Employment opportunities within Wreck Bay.
Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council has a number of employment streams.
The Council has an administration function that employs a number of fulltime employees but then engages casual employees to assist with events such as school holiday programs, cultural events and funerals – wakes.
The Council operates a early childhood centre “Gudjahgahmiamia” meaning children shelter, the centre employs up to ten fulltime employees plus seeks regular funding to employ additional trainees within the centre.
The Council has a works contract team that operates as a “Fee for Service” operation performing various tasks for the Booderee National Park and the Territory Administration. The Council has formalized several contracts with the Director of National Parks to complete regular functions within Booderee National Park that include road and track maintenance, cleaning services, horticultural and Entry station.
The Council regularly advertises casual vacancies for seasonal employment within the various contract teams.
Many Wreck Bay Indigenous members are employees on a fulltime basis within Booderee National Park as Australian Public Servants in diverse functions that include Management, Natural Resource Management, Visitors services and the established Booderee Botanic gardens.
Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council currently employs 33 fulltime employees, all positions are advertised and selections are merit based. We are an equal opportunity employer.
The Wreck Bay Community currently has no vacant positions (December 2018)