Issues Reports And Submissions
Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council Audit Committee - Terms of Reference
The Privacy (Australian Government Agencies – Governance) APP Code 2017 (Privacy Code) requires WBACC to undertake privacy impact assessments (PIAs) in certain instances and to maintain and publish a register of those PIAs from 1 July 2018.
PIA Title | Project Name | Date of PIA |
This information was last updated on 18 January 2024
Senate Oder on Entity Contracts (RMG 403):
WBACC, as a Corporate Commonwealth Entity, is required to report each year on contracts it has entered over the value of $100k.
2023-24 Financial Year Senate Order on Entity Contracts
Pursuant to the Senate Order on Entity Contracts, the following table sets out contracts entered into by Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council, which provide for a consideration to the value of $100,000 or more (GST inclusive) and which:
- have not been fully performed as at 30 June 2024; or
- which have been entered into during the 12 months prior to 30 June 2024.
Most of the contracts listed contain confidentiality provisions of a general nature that are designed to protect the confidential information of the parties that may be obtained or generated in carrying out the contract.
The reasons for including such clauses include:
- ordinary commercial prudence that requires protection of trade secrets, proprietary information and the like; and/or
- protection of other Commonwealth material and personal information.
The accountable authority of Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council has assured that the listed contracts do not contain any inappropriate confidentiality provisions.
Contract Details
Contractor | Subject matter | Amount of consideration (GST inclusive) | Start date | Anticipated end date | Whether contract contains provisions requiring the parties to maintain confidentiality of any of its provisions (Y/N) | Reason (s) | Whether contract contains other requirements of confidentiality (Y/N) | Reason (s) |
OneStop Homes | Build 4 relocatable homes in Wreck Bay Village. | $926,380 (including GST) | 30-Aug-2023 | 30-Aug-2024 | N | N/A | N | N/A |
Estimated cost of complying with this Order: $500
Basis of method used to estimate the cost: Time and Billing
There were nil contracts entered into in 2022-23 Financial year over $100k.